As the weather gets colder, it’s time to cook up all those warming foods that nurture and nourish us through the winter. Stews, pies and especially soups become an antidote to the chill.

This is my favourite soup recipe – delicious, warming, and very nutritious. And also really really easy.


8-12 cups of mixed diced vegetables (I like to use potato, sweet potato, carrot, onion, garlic, brocolli and zucchini)

1/2 block of unsalted butter (yes you read it correctly – one half of a block of butter)

A generous teaspoon or two of Himalayan or sea salt (I like to use a smoked sea salt to give the soup a richer flavour)


Place the root vegetables, garlic and onion in a large saucepan or pot (into which a steamer attachment can fit). Cover with water and boil.

Place the other veg into the steamer and place on top of the pot.

Once all of the vegetables are soft, tip the veg in the steamer into the pot below with the root vegetables (don’t throw out the water otherwise you’ll be throwing out much of the nutrition as well!). Add the butter and salt. Then use a stick blender to liquefy.

That’s it! You can add any other spices as you see fit, but I find the butter and salt bring out all the natural flavours of the veggies beautifully. The butter also does a great job of helping to properly absorb all the fat soluble vitamins in the veggies such a beta-carotene, E and K.

If you want to make this soup even healthier, you can use pre-made bone broth to boil the root vegetables instead of water.

Enjoy a bowlful and then freeze the rest as a healthy lunch option for the week ahead.


In wellness,


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