By now everybody should know the importance of eating a variety of fruit and especially vegetables. Every health condition can be improved through the addition of at least 5 serves of veg and 2 serves of fruit every day, especially those chronic diseases that have become such a regular feature of our modern lives. Diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, arthritis, macular degeneration, IBS, cardiovascular disease, and many other health issues can either be prevented or significantly ameliorated by adding these vitamin/mineral/antioxidant powerhouses to our plates on a regular basis.

Good intentions vs realities of daily life

Even with the knowledge of human physiology and the clear pathways to health that I have, I have struggled to eat what I consider a respectable volume of vegetables and fruits day to day (note that this would be higher than the general recommendations mentioned above). A busy working life, family commitments, and a myriad of other daily demands mean that somehow I would get to the end of the day frequently deficient in my plant based dietary compounds.

Concentrated powdered extracts to the rescue

So how to get more of these beneficial foods into my diet in a convenient form? The answer is simple – powdered vegetables and fruits. It amazes me how so many people will turn to tablets and pills of synthetic nutrients or herbal extracts before they have even addressed their basic nutritional requirements. Obviously the treatment of specific health conditions can and should incorporate these potent therapies, but I would argue only after the dietary needs are met.

I take at least 1 scoop per day of a concentrated vegetable and fruit powder that gives me the equivalent of 2 serves of vegetables and 1 serve of fruit (I will often take 2 scoops to really ramp up the nutrients). The powder is freeze dried from fresh picked organic ingredients that include broccoli, kale, spinach, barley grass, wheat grass, beetroot, carrot,  strawberries, blueberries and cherry (plus many more). What’s more there are no synthetic vitamins or minerals added, just pure food concentrate (many powdered supplements on the market will add these synthetics to make the nutrient profile look better).

I will of course endeavor to eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible throughout the day, but I consider this daily powdered supplement my number one health insurance.

So my take home message is this – source a good quality, pure food concentrate powder and start taking it every day. There are no contraindications or cautions, only a plethora of health benefits from providing your body with the essential micronutrients it craves.

In wellness,


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